Return to Newly Admitted Students

New Student Orientation


Before arriving on campus all students must complete the Moodle Online Orientation . The Online Orientation will be available starting December 18 and must be completed by January 6. This online orientation will help you navigate various LCC platforms, connect you with your 4-year academic plan, give you the tools necessary for succeeding on LCC’s campus, support your transition to a multicultural campus, and introduce you to vital campus resources, such as Migration, Financial Aid, Erasmus+, and more.

After December 18, you can access the Moodle Online Orientation by following these steps:

  • Go to Your Moodle username and password will be sent to you by your admissions counselor. If you have not yet logged into Moodle, the Moodle Online Orientation will not be immediately available after you first log in. It will be visible to you 2-3 days after your initial log-in.
  • On the left hand side, click on “My Courses”
  • Under “My Courses”, click on “2024FA MND 006 Moodle Online Orientation”

**IMPORTANT! You will not be able to access your other courses until you complete the Online Orientation tasks !** 

More information can be found under Final Steps. 

New Student On-Campus Orientation

We know how exciting and intimidating it can be to join a new community. The on-campus New Student Orientation is designed to assure you a strong start from day one. New Student Orientation takes place from January 10-11 and is required for all on-site students. Orientation is designed to help you make the transition to university as easy as possible. During orientation you can expect to meet staff and faculty, learn more about academics at LCC, participate in group activities, meet your peers, get to know Klaipėda, and prepare for your 4 years at LCC International University. 

During orientation you will be assigned to a First Year Seminar (FYS) group that is led by an FYS instructor and an FYS student leader. Your FYS group  will help you navigate campus, prepare you for the first day of class, make connections with other students, meet staff and faculty, and help answer any questions you might have. 

Orientation Schedule: Friday, January 10 – Saturday, January 11

You will receive an official orientation schedule when you arrive on campus. All activities are required, unless otherwise indicated. 

First Year Seminar (FYS)

First Year Seminar (FYS)* is a class that continues the orientation program by providing students a solid foundation to succeed at LCC. FYS provides an avenue for students to not only become familiar with Christian higher education and with LCC, but also to develop vital academic, social,  and self-development skills needed to succeed in a multicultural university setting. 

FYS has three goals:

  • To introduce students to academic life at LCC and to equip students take ownership of their university learning
  • To help students grow personally and to develop vital self-awareness and self-development skills
  • To connect students to on campus-resources and learning opportunities outside the traditional classroom

Upon arrival at LCC, you will be placed in a First Year Seminar group of 12-18 new students. This group will be led by a First Year Seminar Instructor (LCC Faculty or Staff member) and First Year Seminar student leaders. Each student leader is trained to help you adjust to life at LCC and make your first year experience as smooth as possible. As LCC students, the FYS leaders can answer any questions you may have. 

   *This class costs 61.50 EUR. All students are responsible to pay for this course and this amount will be an additional amount over 30 credits load in the Fall semester. No financial aid is given for this non-credit course.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to complete the Online Orientation before arriving on campus?

You will be required to complete the Online Orientation tasks.

Do I have to attend New Student Orientation?

All students are required to attend New Student Orientation. This is designed to make sure students are ready to navigate university life when classes begin!

When should I arrive?

Please plan to arrive on campus on Thursday, January 9 between 12:00-18:00. This is when you will move into your room in the residence halls. **IF YOU CANNOT ARRIVE TO CAMPUS DURING THIS TIME, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR ADMISSIONS COUNSELOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

What Will I Do During Orientation?

During orientation you can expect to learn more about: academic life at LCC, social and extracurricular learning opportunities, the cultural transition to LCC and Lithuania, living on campus, opportunities in Klaipėda, and more. During Orientation you will get your LCC ID card in order to check out textbooks, use the fitness center, and more.  You will also receive your class schedule.

When does New Student Orientation end and when do classes begin?

Orientation ends on Saturday, January 11.  Classes begin on Monday, January 13.

Will I have a chance to shop and purchase food or other needed items?

After you move in, there will be opportunities for you to visit local stores.

Who can I contact if I have more questions?

The Director of Student Success & Wellness is here to help you transition to university life. If you have questions regarding New Student Orientation or First Year Seminar, you are invited to contact Will McCuistion at

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