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Residence Life


Learning goals

Learning Community:

Intrapersonal development
Students will grow and develop in self-knowledge by increasing their understanding of their own identity, beliefs, and morals. Students will learn to set goals that align with their personal values and ambitions.

Skill Development
Students will learn essential skills to achieve greater independence, including managing personal needs, growing in stewardship of resources, and becoming accountable for actions.

International Community:

Intercultural Competence
Students will develop awareness, understanding, knowledge, and skills in working with individuals from different cultural backgrounds. Students will grow in understanding their own cultural identity and worldview and recognize strengths and differences in other cultures and perspectives. Students will gain skills in communicating cross-culturally. 

Relational Community:

Interpersonal development
Students will learn how to understand and perceive the motives, feelings, and expressions of others and how to communicate effectively. They will learn how to have healthy relationships with others and express ideas and emotions appropriately.

Conflict Resolution
Students will find ways to manage conflicts and find peaceful outcomes to disputes by growing in their understanding of functional and dysfunctional conflict and gaining skills to communicate and understand others in the midst of disagreement or division. 

Christ-centered Community:

Christian Discipleship
Students will explore what it means to be a disciple of Christ and how faith impacts behavior in the world. Students will participate in a variety of spiritual practices and experience Christian fellowship and community in the hall.

Christian Worldview
Students will understand and identify how Christian identity impacts and shapes community life and expectations at LCC. Students will be able to articulate their own beliefs and perspectives about faith and the world.

Sustainable Community

Hospitality: Students will learn how to serve both strangers and friends and learn practices to invite others into their lives. Students will grow in their understanding of others who are marginalized and find ways to help those in need.

Social Responsibility and Citizenship: Students will increase knowledge and awareness of global and social issues. Students will understand their role as a global citizen and participate in practices that contribute to communities and a flourishing global society.

Things To Do

Bring Your Own Story

A bi-weekly gathering on every floor where residents share with each other challenges they have faced in life, how they have overcome those challenges, and where they hope to go in life. Snacks, coffee and tea served every time!

BYOS is:
“A safe place”
“A place to be heard”
“A great way to learn more about floormates”
“A place of belonging and love”

Floor Gatherings

Periodically, Resident Assistants host a floor event or gathering. It’s always great to do things with your floormates!

All-Hall Events

Events where all residents come together as a whole community!

Engagement of Residence Life Staff

Individual Conversations

ResLife staff have one-on-one conversations with residents throughout the course of the year to get to know students as individuals, help them process and reflect on the experiences that they are having, and evaluate how the year has gone.

Community Engagement

ResLife staff facilitate consistent group interaction and dialogue through informational meetings and social gatherings on each floor.

Roommate Agreements

ResLife staff promotes dialogue among roommates by facilitating a roommate agreement meeting that allows individuals to learn about each other, communicate their needs, and manage conflicts that could occur.


Susan Myers

Residence Life Coordinator

Lina Bakutyte

Front Desk Manager/Housing Coordinator

Mikayla Gainor

Enns Resident Director

Ali Haji

Neumann West Resident Director

Aaron Howell

Director of Housing and Residence Life

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