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Student Success and Wellness

Your Success at LCC

Your success is not just good grades and progress towards graduation, but a holistic sense of fulfillment. We want you to be a vibrant and academically confident student, an active member of our community, and a competent global citizen. We will partner with you and you can trust our staff to collaboratively provide needed support.

What is Student Success & Wellness?

The Student Success and Wellness Department is made up of many different departments designed to help students focus on their academic success and personal development. Under the umbrella of Student Success and Wellness you can find:

Academic Support Services

Our Academic Support Coordinator oversees our tutoring services, support for students on academic warning and probation, and can help students improve their academic and time management skills. Check out the Academic Success page for more information!

Career Development Office

Our Career Development Counselor can help you find internships and practicums, apply for Work and Travel, improve your CV and motivational letter, and help you network with alumni and outside partners of LCC. Check out the Career and Employment page or the Alumni Mentoring Program page for more information!


Our Counselors are here to offer individual and group counseling sessions, personality assessments, and different wellness initiatives throughout the year. Check out the Counseling page for more information and to request a session with one of the counselors!

Director of Student Success & Wellness

Our Director of Student Success and Wellness oversees all of the areas above and organizes New Student Orientation and First Year Seminar. They also work with students with special needs status and the LCC Cares Team. Check out the Holistic Wellness page to see how you can be supported during your time at LCC!

How We Partner with Students

We want to support you as you strive for success in and out of the classroom. Everyone in the Student Success & Wellness Department is willing to partner with you as you explore what it means for you to be a well-rounded person. Whether that means using our free tutoring service to make sure you’re ready to ace that next assignment or test, meeting with the Career Development Office to make sure your CV is in the best shape, or meeting with our Counselors to help you face whatever life throws at you, we’re all ready to support you as you explore how to be a successful student, community member, and global citizen!

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Academic Success at LCC

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Alumni Mentorship Program

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Career Development Counselor (CDC)

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