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Leadership Development Program

The Leadership Development Program

The goal of the Leadership Development Program (LDP) is to provide you with an opportunity for leadership development as you work collaboratively with other students, guided and supported by staff mentors in an experience where you are together in a process of positive social change. 

You will learn through experience.  To be successful, you will receive:

  • orientation and training for your specific student leader role
  • accountability and support from your mentor
  • opportunities for the development of leadership values, skills, and understanding
  • opportunities for personal self-assessment and feedback

Students who serve at LCC in various student leadership positions make a commitment of time, energy, and creativity to the LCC community because they believe in the mission of the university and want to contribute to a positive experience for the LCC community. 

For information on Student Council, which is also a significant leadership opportunity for students at LCC, click HERE.

Student Leader Requirements

  • In order to be considered  for a leadership position you must:
    • Be a full-time student at LCC 
    • Have a CUM GPA above 7.5 
    • Not be on academic or disciplinary probation 
    • Commit to 5-20 hrs a week for the leadership program, for the entire upcoming year
    • Be able to return to campus in August for training as required by the program

Selection Process

  • All applicants must complete an application form online before the deadline.
  • When you apply for an LDP position, you will indicate your top three choices. Interviews for first, second, or third choice position will be at the discretion of the mentor.
  • Applicants will receive a letter from the Director of Student Engagement and Formation that states whether they have been hired in early March. Selected students will be offered ONE position. Student leaders cannot hold multiple positions.
  • Students must confirm their acceptance by the indicated date.
  • All new student leaders must attend the New Student Leader Orientation before the current year ends.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I apply for an LDP position AND Student Council?

Yes! You are permitted to run for Student Council and apply for another position. However, Student Council must be your first choice. The student council election will occur before the LDP selection process, so students elected for Student Council will be removed from consideration from other student leader positions.  

Can I apply for an LDP position AND Erasmus?

Yes, however, you will need to choose between the two. Erasmus decisions will come out first. If you choose to do Erasmus, you will be removed from consideration from student leadership positions.  

Can I apply for Student Council AND Erasmus?

No. Nominees for Student Council must be available to serve for the entire year and not go on Erasmus, according to Article VI of the Constitution.  

Can I apply for multiple leadership positions?

When you apply for an LDP position, you will indicate your top three choices. Interviews for first, second, or third choice position will be at the discretion of the mentor. Selected students will be offered ONE position. Student leaders cannot hold multiple positions.

Why should I apply for a student leadership position?

Great question! Being a student leader is a great way to serve your community, develop your personal and professional skills, influence positive change, and lead alongside other great students! As a student leader you will receive regular mentoring from a professional staff member and ongoing training and professional development throughout the year. You will also gain experience designing programs, leading events, working on a team, setting and reaching goals, collaborating with others, and more! At the end of the year, all students who complete the program will receive a certificate and will also be eligible for awards.


By applying for a student leader position, all student leaders commit to:

  • Uphold LCC’s current behavioral standards
  • Work with and cooperate respectfully with their mentor
  • Actively participate in Student Leadership Training and return to LCC for training as specified by the mentor of the program
  • Take advantage of leadership development opportunities provided by the university, including one-on-one mentorship and conferences
  • Serve the community by participating in and supporting major campus wide events
  • Be on time and actively engaged in all team meetings and events
  • Work towards the goals of the team and the program
  • Set specific goals for personal leadership development with the mentor
  • Exercise good stewardship of LCC resources (computers, printers, money, and etc.)
  • Be accountable for the actions and always remembering that they are role models to other students
  • Represent student leaders and LCC International University respectfully through responsible Social Media use.

Important Dates

  • Wednesday, January 29, 2025, 12:00-13:00 – Leadership Fair | Alumni Gallery
  • Wednesday, February 5, 2025, 23:59 – Deadline for applications
  • March 2025 (Date TBD) – Invitations are sent out to accepted leaders
Student leaders at Community Day

Leadership Positions

Worship Apprentices

The Worship Apprentices (WA) work closely with the Chaplain in developing and implementing weekly chapel services. The primary roles of the student leaders will focus on the planning of worship and the discipleship of chapel band members. WAs will recruit, train, and lead teams of musicians and sound technicians, and strive to help them grow in the Christian faith while fostering a positive community. WAs will have the opportunity to grow in their faith by participating in spiritual formation activities and a mentoring relationship with the Chaplain. WA will also grow professionally through continuing worship education and professional development opportunities.

  • Weekly time commitment: 6-8 hrs
  • Max. positions available: 3-4
  • Start date: TBD

First Year Seminar Leader

FYS leaders assist new students in their transition to life at LCC through events, FYS class, and peer mentoring. They work closely with the Director of Student Success & Wellness to plan and facilitate New Student Orientation and are responsible for leading a group of 18-20 students through orientation programs. In the Fall semester, they work with their FYS staff/faculty instructor to plan and lead weekly sessions. In the Spring semester, they continue to integrate new students into the LCC community by organizing monthly freshmen-oriented events. FYS leaders will learn in a supportive group environment and will develop in public speaking, leading groups, and teaching

  • Weekly time commitment: 4-8 hrs
  • Max. positions available: 16
  • Start date: TBD

Intercultural Leader

Intercultural Leaders (IL) assist students as they adjust to life in Lithuania and LCC International University. The primary role is to organize events and promote inclusivity and diversity including intercultural programming on campus. Intercultural leaders also serve as intentional student advocates, bringing concerns to the mentors. They are aware of global events and conflicts in order to facilitate meaningful and encouraging conversation. Student leaders learn and teach about their own and other cultures and develop skills to adapt to different contexts and challenges.

  • Weekly time commitment: 4-6 hrs
  • Max. positions available: 4-5
  • Start date: TBD

International Exchange Leader

International Exchange Leaders (IEX) have an opportunity to host Asian and European students and to coordinate their orientation to Klaipėda, Lithuania, and the Baltics. A student leader helps integrate the incoming students into LCC programs and events. He/she also assists the Program Coordinator with the Baltic capitals trips by leading and managing student groups while traveling. The International Exchange student leader assists in orientation for incoming foreign students, developing student itineraries, Riga trip, and other regional trips

  • Weekly time commitment: 2-6 hrs
  • Max. positions available: 3
  • Start date: TBD

Study Abroad Intern

 Study Abroad Interns (SAI) have an opportunity to work with the CIE office staff and create the experience for the Study Abroad students who come to LCC. Interns are the primary communicators with Study Abroad students, acting as interpreters of culture, listening to and answering questions, as well as providing important information. Interns also organize and lead group events, activities, and excursions and use their unique personalities to convey and dialogue about cultural issues.  

  • Weekly time commitment: 4-6 hrs
  • Max. positions available: 1-2
  • Start date: TBD

Resident Assistant

A Resident Assistant (RA) serves as a peer educator in residence halls. The RA works closely with a Resident Director (RD) to foster community, care, and engagement. The RA is available to give support to residents and provide the necessary information. RAs will be able to develop leadership and professional skills, have the opportunity to participate in leadership seminars designed specifically for LCC student leaders, and collaborate with other RAs and student leaders, and create events that promote Residential Life learning objectives.

Floor RAs receive housing scholarships

  • Weekly time commitment: 18-20 hrs
  • Max. positions available: 20 (including alternative RAs)
  • Start date: TBD

Discipleship Assistant

Discipleship Assistants (DAs) minister in the halls to residential students*, facilitating opportunities for others to encounter Christ, experience Christian fellowship, and grow in their faith. They do this primarily in three ways. First, they live intentionally in the halls, participating actively on the floor, building relationships with residents, praying regularly for others, extending a ministry of presence and hospitality, and being available for prayer, encouragement, and support. Second, they lead a weekly Bible study and prayer time on the floor. Third, DAs organize other campus gatherings or ministries with a focus on hospitality, fellowship, and worship. *There is one Commuter DA position available  

  • Weekly time commitment: 6-8 hrs
  • Max. positions available: 14
  • Start date: TBD

Interfaith Engagement Leader

The Interfaith Engagement Leaders work to engage students, through events and programs, to come together in spaces of dialogue and peace to discuss faith practices and ideas in various belief systems. Collaboration could also happen with the Public Theology Forum (PTF), a program created and overseen by the Campus Ministries office in partnership with Peace Center at LCC. Through this important work of interfaith and intra-faith dialogue we hope to engage students from all religious, spiritual, and secular identities to grow interactions, connect students with needed resources and information, and to share the vision of a flourishing & diverse community. The Interfaith Engagement Leaders (IEL’s) work closely with the Chaplain in developing and implementing regular interfaith programming for LCC’s community. The primary role of these student leaders is threefold:(1) to create spaces for dialogue across diverse faith communities, (2) to cultivate peacemaking and develop values that increase our ability to interact across divides, and (3) to represent various faith communities on campus. IEL’s will have the opportunity to grow in their peacemaking and dialogue skills through participating in, and leading of, regular programming where issues and differences are engaged rather than avoided. IEL’s will learn in a supportive team environment that collectively develops interfaith skills that will transform ourselves, our communities, and our world.

  • Weekly time commitment: 3-5 hrs
  • Max. positions available: 3 (each representing a different faith perspective)
  • Start date: TBD
Discipleship Assistants and Student Council organize prayer vigil.

Leadership Awards

Leadership Excellence Award

  • Eligibility: Seniors who held a student leadership position for at least two years, while maintaining a GPA of 9.2 and higher.  
  • Presented: Baccalaureate Service

The Leadership Excellence Award is given in recognition of outstanding overall contribution to the LCC community life through student leadership activities. The recipient of this award has initiated programs or activities designed to foster a greater sense of community among LCC students and staff and between the LCC community and the greater Klaipeda community.  The award recipient is selected through a vote by student leader mentors. 

Bonnie Straight Award for Service and Leadership

  • Eligibility: Seniors who held a student leadership position for three years 
  • Presented: Leadership Award Ceremony

The Bonnie Straight Award for Service and Leadership was created in 2008 in honor of a long-term faculty member who left a legacy of service and leadership. Bonnie Straight served in the Business Administration department as both Department Chair & Faculty member for more than a decade, as well as serving in many informal leadership roles within the LCC community. She was someone who was known at LCC for selflessly serving students, staff and faculty with a warm smile & a listening ear, provided additional support for students above & beyond the classroom. Since 2008, this award is being presented to a graduating student who has served as a student leader for three years and exemplifies the qualities of both service and leadership.  The award recipient is selected through a vote by student leader mentors.  

Student Leader of the Year Award

  • Eligibility: Any current student leader 
  • Presented: Leadership Award Ceremony

The Student Leader of the Year is presented to a student leader who exhibits excellent service in their student leadership position makes meaningful  contributions to LCC’s community and exhibits an overall emotional, physical, social and academic balance and well-being. To put it simply: this is the leader on campus that all other students look up to. Someone who goes the extra mile to do what is right, and with great integrity and sacrifice to their own personal time exhibits a true servant’s heart.

Award Recipients

Bonnie Straight Award

  • 2008 – Vladiyslav Bolyelov
  • 2009 – Yuliya Prysyazhnyuk
  • 2010 – Kateryna Khozroshyna
  • 2011 – Alla Khoruzha
  • 2012 – Vaiva Čekatauskaitė
  • 2013 – Anton Putilin
  • 2014 – Oleksandra Baklaieva
  • 2015 – Irsana Payzullaeva
  • 2016 – Vitaliy Sokyrka
  • 2018 – Tumosaitė Julija
  • 2019 – Evelina Kriptavičiūtė
  • 2020-  Vika Romasko 
  • 2021- Eduarda Fediukova
  • 2024 – Mehrdad Rezaie

Leadership Excellence Award

  • 2008 – Vladiyslav Bolyelov
  • 2009 – Yuliya Prysyazhnyuk
  • 2010 – Kateryna Khozroshyna
  • 2011 – Alla Khoruzha
  • 2012 – Vaiva Čekatauskaitė
  • 2013 – Anton Putilin
  • 2014 – Oleksandra Baklaieva
  • 2015 – Irsana Payzullaeva
  • 2016 – Vitaliy Sokyrka
  • 2018 – Lukas Feil
  • 2019 – Giorgi Kaishauri
  • 2020-  Yuliia Rusianovska 
  • 2021- Evianda Noka
  • 2022 – Yuliia Syrovatka
  • 2023 – Kamila Zhambulatova
  • 2024 – Kamilė Labanauskytė

Student Leader of the Year

  • 2020- Anastasia Chernous  
  • 2021- Samantha Handal Gabrie
  • 2022 – Aisaule Samarbekova
  • 2023 – Meder Mukai Uulu
  • 2024 – Dijedon Biljali

Servant Leadership award

  • 2022 – Ivan Kovtoniuk
  • 2023 – Solomiia Melnyk
  • 2024 – Ieva Rūkė

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