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Scholarships & other grants

At LCC, 55% of our students receive some form of financial support, scholarships, stipends or grants. The President of LCC together with the Senior Development Officer make personal visits and send letters of appeal to current and potential donors in order to ask them for donations. Currently, we have many donors who give in a range of $20-400 a month and we also have a few who give above $50,000 a year. Most of our donations come from our former and current board members as well as former and current faculty and staff. Alumni giving is becoming stronger each year. In addition, many donations come from people who learn about LCC from the university’s stakeholders and become passionate about its mission.

Scholarships and Grants are gift aid and do not require repayment. The award is allocated to your account over two semesters, fall and spring. It cannot be applied to Summer Session courses. If you are placed on probation (final grade is 6 /10 or lower) after the fall semester, your grant allocated for the spring semester is withdrawn.

:::IMPORTANT::: Application process for 2025-2026 Merit-Based and Other scholarships for current students will start early in Spring semester. The official decisions should be announced via email by the end of March of 2025.

Application process for 2025-2026 Merit- Based and Other type Scholarships for prospective students should start late in April.

Scholarships & other grants for 1st year students

Basketball Grant

This scholarship is given to the students by the basketball coach’s recommendations who meet team expectations which include behavioral, academic and team commitments. Students receive up to a 90% tuition and a 90% housing fees discount and the scholarship may be available for a maximum of five years.

New Market Scholar Award

This grant is given to first-year students who have excelled academically and demonstrated involvement in various leadership activities. Eight students will receive a 100% tuition discount for one year. Six students from Lithuania and Latvia and two students from China, Nepal, and/or Myanmar are eligible to apply for 2023-2024 academic years.  

Eligibility requirement:

  • Be an incoming freshman from the specific areas mentioned above;
  • Have a minimum admission score of 90%;
  • Demonstrate involvement in various leadership activities.

International Scholar Award

This grant is given to first year students with the most outstanding academic achievements. Four students from Eastern Europe and/or Central Asia (except: Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Russia Federation, and Lithuania) receive a 100% tuition discount for one year.

Eligibility requirements:

  • Be an incoming freshman from the specific areas mentioned above;
  • Have a minimum admission score of 90%;
  • Demonstrate involvement in various leadership activities.

Caucasus Scholar Award

This grant is given to first year students with the most outstanding academic achievements. Four students from Caucasus area (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Russia Federation) receive a 100% tuition discount for one year.

Eligibility requirements:

  • Be an incoming freshman from the specific areas mentioned above;
  • Have a minimum admission score of 90%;
  • Demonstrate involvement in various leadership activities.

Kenneth and Helen Penner Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to the top incoming freshman student. The award amount is 100% tuition discount for one student for four years. GPA and leadership performance are reviewed annually for the student to maintain the scholarship in the subsequent years. The awarded student will be granted an internship in the President’s Office for 10 hours a week.

LCC Leadership Scholarship

This scholarship is given to first year students who exemplify leadership and service in their schools and communities. Two students receive a 50% tuition discount for one year.

Lithuania Scholar Award

This grant is given to Lithuanian students who receive the Government Study Stipend from the Ministry of Education. The Lithuania Scholar Award will cover the difference between the LCC tuition fee and the Study Stipend amount. The award is applied for four years as long as the study stipend criteria are met.

Ukraine Scholar Award

This grant is given to first year students with the most outstanding academic achievements. Four students from Ukraine receive a 100% tuition discount for one year.

Eligibility requirements:

  • Be an incoming freshman from the specific areas mentioned above;
  • Have a minimum admission score of 90%;
  • Demonstrate involvement in various leadership activities.

Sibling Grant

Students that study at LCC together with their brother or sister are eligible for a sibling grant. If siblings enter LCC during different years: for the first year of simultaneous study – the first child will get a 10% tuition discount, the second child – a 40% tuition discount. If siblings enter LCC simultaneously: For the first year of simultaneous study – a 25% tuition discount will be applicable for each sibling.

Scholarships & other grants for consecutive years

Servant Leadership Grant

This grant is awarded to students who exemplify servant leadership and promote involvement in their local communities or LCC. The grant focuses on students who demonstrate care and focus on the needs of others and do so in a self-aware, fair and selfless manner. Two students receive a 50% of tuition discount during the student’s second year of studies.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Full-time student;
  • Cumulative GPA of at least 9.0;
  • Demonstrate servant leadership and promote involvement in their local communities or LCC;

Basketball Grant

This scholarship is given to the students by the basketball coach’s recommendations who meet team expectations which include behavioral, academic and team commitments. Students receive up to a 90% tuition and a 90% housing fees discount and the scholarship may be available for a maximum of five years.

Business Department Scholarship

This scholarship is for International Business Administration major students entering their third or fourth year of studies. Its purpose is to reward business students who have excelled academically and demonstrated hard work and ethical behavior in class. The award amount is a 50% tuition discount for three students.

Eligibility requirements:

  • Entering third/fourth year of studies in Business major;
  • Have a minimum GPA of 9.2 in major courses;
  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 9.0 (over four/six semesters);
  • Demonstrate hard work and ethical behavior in class;
  • Show initiative in service to the University life or to the community;
  • Demonstrate a sense of purpose in a business field of studies;
  • Be a full-time student.

Communication Department Scholarship

This scholarship is for Communication major students entering their third or fourth year of studies. Its purpose is to reward communication students who have excelled academically and demonstrated hard work and ethical behavior in class. The award amount is a 50% tuition discount for two students.

Eligibility requirements:

  • Entering third/fourth year of studies in COM major;
  • Have a minimum GPA of 9.2 in major courses;
  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 9.0 (over four/six semesters);
  • Demonstrate hard work and ethical behavior in class;
  • Show initiative in service to the University life or to the community;
  • Demonstrate a sense of purpose in a communications field of studies;
  • Be a full time student.

English Department Scholarship

This scholarship is for English major students entering their third or fourth year of studies. Its purpose is to reward English students who have excelled academically and demonstrated hard work and ethical behavior in class. The award amount is a 50% tuition discount for one student.

Eligibility requirements:

  • Entering third/fourth year of studies in English major;
  • Have a minimum GPA of 9.2 in major courses;
  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 9.0 (over four/six semesters);
  • Demonstrate hard work and ethical behavior in class;
  • Show initiative in service to the University life or to the community;
  • Demonstrate a sense of purpose in English field of studies;
  • Be a full-time student.

International Relations Scholarship

This scholarship is for International Relations major students entering their third or fourth year of studies. Its purpose is to reward international relations students who have excelled academically and demonstrated hard work and ethical behavior in class. The award amount is a 50% tuition discount for one student.

Eligibility requirements:

  • Entering third/fourth year of studies in IRD major;
  • Have a minimum GPA of 9.2 in major courses;
  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 9.0 (over four/six semesters);
  • Demonstrate hard work and ethical behavior in class;
  • Show initiative in service to the University life or to the community;
  • Demonstrate a sense of purpose in IRD field of studies;
  • Be a full-time student.

Social Impact and Peace Grant

The Social Impact and Peace Grant is intended for second- or third-year students who are standing up for a positive social change. The award amount is a 50% tuition discount for one year for two students. The grant will provide support to students, who have a demonstrated interest in social justice and advocacy, as well as a demonstrated commitment of care and compassion toward others.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Full-time students;
  • Cumulative GPA of at least 9.0;
  • Demonstrate a positive difference at local, regional or larger community in terms social justice, economic fairness, health conditions, quality of life, or other social concerns.

President’s Leadership Scholarship

The President’s Leadership Scholarship is awarded to students who demonstrate leadership in all areas of student life: academics and co-curricular activities. The scholarship is given to up to four students. Each student receives a 100% tuition discount at the end of their first year for their three remaining years of study. GPA and leadership performance are reviewed annually for the student to maintain the scholarship in their subsequent years.

Eligibility requirements:

  • Full-time student;
  • Cumulative GPA of at least 9.5;
  • Demonstrated leadership skills (priority is given to students who contribute to University life or the community);
  • If a student has transferred credits to LCC International University from another institution, then the following condition applies: Transfer students who have more than 72 ECTS credits or have less than 2.5 years to graduate from LCC before the semester in which they are applying for the President’s Leadership Scholarship are not eligible to apply for this scholarship.

Psychology Department Scholarship

This scholarship is for Psychology major students entering their third or fourth year of studies. Its purpose is to reward psychology students who have excelled academically and demonstrated hard work and ethical behavior in class. The award amount is a 50% tuition discount for one student.

Eligibility requirements:

  • Entering third/fourth year of studies in Psychology major;
  • Have a minimum GPA of 9.2 in major courses;
  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 9.0 (over four/six semesters);
  • Demonstrate hard work and ethical behavior in class;
  • Show initiative in service to the University life or to the community;
  • Demonstrate a sense of purpose in Psychology field of studies;
  • Be a full-time student.

Resident Assistantship Grant

This grant is awarded to 17 students selected by LCC’s residence life staff. If a student has a position as a Resident Assistant he/she is granted the benefit of living in the residence for free.

Sibling Grant

Students that study at LCC together with their brother or sister are eligible for a sibling grant. If siblings enter LCC during different years: for the first year of simultaneous study – the first child will get a 10% tuition discount, the second child – a 40% tuition discount. – For the future years of simultaneous study – both siblings will get a 10% tuition discount.

Theology Department Scholarship

This scholarship is for Theology major students entering their third or fourth year of studies. Its purpose is to reward theology students who have excelled academically and demonstrated hard work and ethical behavior in class. The award amount is a 50% tuition discount for one student.

Eligibility requirements:

  • Entering third/fourth year of studies in Theology major;
  • Have a minimum GPA of 9.2 in major courses;
  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 9.0 (over four/six semesters);
  • Demonstrate hard work and ethical behavior in class;
  • Show initiative in service to the University life or to the community;
  • Demonstrate a sense of purpose in theology field of studies;
  • Be a full-time student.


  • Financial Aid at LCC International University is intended to assist Bachelor students only (exception is made for Middle East Scholars Aid program and Basketball players).
  • Financial Aid is applied to a student’s account over two semesters, fall and spring. 
  • Financial Aid is applied for 60 ECTS credits per academic year. If you take more than 60 ECTS credits per academic year the award will not be increased.  
  • Students must be enrolled in at least 24 ECTS credit hours per semester to receive an award. If a student enrolls in less than 24 ECTS credit hours in either semester, they will not receive their financial aid for that semester (exception is made only for seniors).
  • Financial Aid might be offered to seniors during their final semester. The amount of ECTS credits must be approved by Academic VP. Only then a student can receive Financial Aid for less than 24 ECTS credits for the final semester.
  • Financial aid cannot be applied to summer session courses. If financial aid for summer session becomes available, students will be notified by email.
  • Students can receive only one kind of financial aid. If a student qualifies for more than one, he/she will receive the one with the highest monetary value, and the other grant(s) will go to the next student who qualifies or to the Emergency Aid budget (exceptions are made for Sibling Grant and Resident Assistantship Grant).
  • If the student has received any financial aid and has been placed on probation after the Spring or Fall semesters, he/she does not receive the financial aid part that has been allocated for the following semester.
  • If a student receives financial aid and then decides to take an academic leave, he/she loses the award. The student is then informed of the dates for Need-Based Aid application for the next academic year.
  • Students can get financial grants only for four years at LCC or up to 8 semesters (calculation would be done by semesters if a student takes an academic leave). The academic leave period is calculated towards the 8 semesters rule. If students study longer or take a second major, they must find their own financing opportunities. PRIME program is not calculated towards the 8 semester’s rule (exceptions are made for Basketball Scholarship and Middle East Scholars Aid).
  • The maximum financial aid amount that a student can receive is 90% tuition discount (all financial aid amounts summed up). This does not apply to the Kenneth & Helen Penner, President Leadership Scholarships and Ukraine/Caucasus/International Scholar Awards and Middle East Scholars Aid.
  • Financial aid is not applied for the retaking a failed course “F”. Receiving an “F” for a course might affect a student’s satisfactory academic progress and eligibility to receive financial aid in the future.
  • Financial Aid is applied only for credit bearing courses. Financial Aid is not applied for courses with zero credits like First Year Seminar.
  • Financial Aid is available for students under 25 years of age. If a student turns 25 years of age in the period of August 1 to December 31, he/she is not eligible to apply and receive any type of financial aid. If a student turns 25 years of age in the period from January 1 to July 31, he/she is eligible to apply and receive aid only for the Fall semester before he/she turns 25 (exception is made for Middle East Scholars Aid, students of all ages are eligible to apply).
  • Financial Aid is available for students who are seeking the first Bachelor degree only. If a student during the Bachelor studies at LCC simultaneously receives another Bachelor’s degree from another university, financial aid will be removed for the following semesters.
  • All Financial Aid at LCC International University is based on availability of funds. Therefore, students and their families must take primary responsibility for meeting the costs of education at LCC International University.
  • IMPORTANT: students receiving financial aid that withdraw or stop attending classes will be required to return financial aid received.

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