At LCC we aim to foster an inclusive community where each person is valued and respected. We provide opportunities for experiential learning and development of LCC’s core learning outcomes. We seek to broaden students’ education to maximize their social, cultural, physical, intellectual, and spiritual development as well as ensure the wellbeing of students by providing relevant and quality services. Your experience at LCC will be life–changing. Student Life Division at LCC supports a unique model of North American style holistic education.
At LCC International University we have an orientation program that occurs a few days before classes begin. Entering university is a big step and we want to make it as easy as possible. Freshmen are required to participate in the orientation where important information on academics and LCC International University structure is presented. All freshmen are assigned to the First-Year Seminar (FYS) group that is led by a FYS instructor together with FYS student leader. FYS provides a solid foundation to succeed at LCC. It encourages students to grow personally, to take ownership of their learning, and to connect to others at LCC. More information about New Student Orientation can be found here.
Do you plan to live on campus?
By living in the residence hall, your life at university will be shaped in deep and purposeful ways. As you make yourself at home, jump into the dynamic programming provided by your Resident Directors (RDs) and Resident Assistants (RAs). In this safe environment, you will learn what it means to be a good neighbor to those around you, build deep and lasting friendships based on respect, celebrate the diversity of people and cultures around you and contribute to a fun and vibrant campus community. For more information please click here.
Are you from the city?
Student Life programming and events are open to all students. If you live off-campus you might feel a little isolated. This is why we encourage you to attend the events we organize. Check out the Campus Life section on the LCC portal.
Do you come from abroad?
It is both challenging and rewarding to transition to an international environment! Intercultural Education Coordinator is available for consultation as you deal with the realities of adjusting to life in another country (culture shock, homesickness) and communicating in a foreign language. For more information please click here.
Do you want to succeed as a student?
The Student Success Center (SSC) exists to provide academic orientation, academic support, disability support and intervention systems for LCC International University students. The SSC offers academic advising with academic writing and algebra to any student, as needed. For more information please click here.
Wonder what career path to choose?
It is not unusual for a student to feel lost and unsure about their career decision. Am I studying the right major? Where can I get advice? How can I learn more about what I am good at? Our Career Development Counselor is here to help you assess your strengths and talents, help you choose the right major, as well as provide opportunities to get your first professional experience. For more information please click here or visit our Career and Employment section.
Want to grow spiritually?
The Chaplain is available to have conversations about faith, to pray with you, and to offer pastoral care and counseling. Together with the Discipleship Coordinator, the Chaplain seeks to encourage healthy and respectful dialogue between the different faith traditions on campus and encourage all persons to grow in truth and restoration through the gospel of Jesus Christ. For more information, please click here.
Overwhelmed, stressed or depressed?
When life and studies become too hard, you may consider talking to a trained counselor in safe, confidential conversations. We can provide educational information regarding your personal improvement, growth or healing. We can also provide information about counseling as a profession. Our Counselor can also help in cases of personal psychological crises or when students are witnessing the crisis of another university student. Please refer everyone who finds his or her situation too difficult to handle on their own to our counselor. For more information please click here.
What about my health insurance?
LCC collaborates with a local insurance broker in selecting a provider for a medical insurance. The company makes sure LCC students are properly insured under a reliable and cost-effective insurance scheme. Thus, all non-EU students are required to acquire this particular insurance. LCC will order the insurance for you and the cost will be charged to your student account. Health insurance covers emergency medical expenses such as doctor’s visits, medicines prescribed by the doctor as part of necessary treatment, hospital stays, and emergency dental treatment. However, students may be required to pay for the expenses upfront and then be refunded by the insurance company. If you are on prescription medication it is advisable to bring a supply with you. LCC does not have a supply of medications or a nurse on staff. For more information please click here.
Do you need disability support?
If you have a physical or psychological condition that requires accommodation either from an academic or housing perspective, see the Director of Student Success and Wellness to get more information about the support LCC is committed to provide for students with disabilities. For more information please click here.
How can I get involved?
LCC International University is not only about academic classes. We make sure that your time outside of the classroom is also meaningful by providing many educational and learning opportunities for you. LCC is a relational University and a lot of our efforts are aimed at facilitating the development of lifelong relationships. We are celebrating the community. You will learn how to practically apply the knowledge that you gain in classrooms, how to organize events, how to lead group discussions, and most importantly you will discover your talents and strengths. Just take a look at all the opportunities that you can choose from!