Meet the Student Council

Melisa Matukaitytė – President
- Represents students on President’s Cabinet and LCC Board of Directors
- Supervises other Student Council members in the execution of their duties
- Prepares semi-annual performance reports
- Coordinates the Student Council election process
- Chairs Student Council meetings and keeps the record of the minutes.

Xeniya Cherednik – Vice President On Internal Affairs
- Represents students on Academic Council
- Ensures student input into academic policies and procedures
- Assists in coordinating the Student Council election process
- Replaces the President in case of his/her absence or resignation

Vice President On External Affairs
- Creates and maintains partnerships and communication with bodies outside of LCC
- Helps with the organization of off-campus activities
- Assists with fundraising and other legal/document procedures done outside of LCC (e.g. ISIC, LSP)

Agapi Keshishyan – Event Coordinator
- Creates and facilitates Student Council events on campus
- Distributes information about event-planning policies to students
- Plans a minimum of three events per semester, works together with the Marketing Coordinator on decorations for the events, its design, as well as purchase food together with the Treasurer

Anzhela Safaryan – Marketing Coordinator
- Markets and promotes events and other StuCo activities both online and on-campus
- Maintains Student Council’s online presence
- Works with Event and Club Coordinators on decorations and advertisements for events and clubs
- Partners with LCC Marketing Department

Ofelia Ananian – Club Coordinator
- Coordinates the club the registration process and their compliance with event-planning policies
- Keeps track of all club leaders and activities
- Works with the Treasurer to distribute funds to clubs

Mikas Dalheimer – Secretary
- Keeps track of Student Council documentation
- Prepares reports and publishes documents with the student body
- Actively participates in Student Council Representation

Ivan Kovtoniuk – Treasurer
- Keep a record of all expenses of the StuCo
- Manages pre- and post- programming forms and keeps a record of them
- Works closely with Clubs Coordinator to assign funds to clubs
Elections 2025-2026
Student Council members are student body representatives and shall be elected annually in the General StuCo Elections. The StuCo elections process is governed by the Constitution and is held under the supervision and monitoring of the Election Committee The Elections committee consists of current StuCo member, as well as Director of Student Engagement Hailey Altena and Chaplain Joel Altena has determined the following schedule:

Phase 1
Accepting nominations and screening the nominees to ensure they fit the obligations required for the position they are running for. All students who meet the eligibility criteria below can apply by submitting their application by a predetermined date. Applications will be reviewed by the Election Committee and those who are eligible to run will be informed.
- January 29 – February 12 – Applications Received
- February 13 – Information Session for Eligible Candidates
Phase 2
Students who are eligible to run will have a week to campaign, which includes online social media campaigning and putting posters up. Students will then prepare an election speech that they will present to the student body.
- February 14-19 – Campaigning
- February 19 – Debates
Phase 3
Actual elections take place where each student may vote for their selected candidates. Elections will be done electronically. Elections will take place electronically under the supervision of the Election Committee. In the case of a vacancy of any position, the StuCo President will announce and hold applications and interviews to fill the position.
- February 20 – Silent Day
- February 21-28 – Voting
- February 28 – Results of Elections
Eligibility criteria for StuCo:
- Full-time student enrolled at LCC
- Not be on academic or student life probation
- Must have a GPA of 7.5 and more
All nominees for President should have spent at least 2 years as students at LCC and be able to serve for the whole term (August 1- July 31). It is important the candidates are in Klaipeda.
Student Clubs
Criteria |
Have at least 2 members on the management team |
Have a club leader (and an advisor from faculty or staff for category 1 clubs) |
Have regular meetings |
Attend club leader meetings organized by Student Council |
Write an activity report once a semester |
Benefits |
Be listed on LCC Portal |
Use Student leader lounge for club meetings |
Use LCC facilities, equipment free of charge |
Advertise its activities and events through official LCC channels (social media, email, posters, etc.) |
Club Registration Process and Timeline

- Club registration form must be submitted by the 10th of every month
- Committee informs the organization if it has been approved or not recommended by the 15th of every month
Aviary Club
Contact: : Fausta Žurauskaitė, Fzuraus24@students.lcc.lt
An LCC university origami unit that specializes in aviary origami. The club aims to make the Commuter’s lounge and potentially the entirety of Defehr more welcoming. They hold folding sessions in the basement, and every week have a special style as well as are very enthusiastic in spreading the message of individual identity, self-discovery and honing personal skill through a relaxing thing like folding.
Volleyball Club
Contact: Maryia Lapchuk, mlapchu22@students.lcc.lt
A fun space to improve your volleyball skills, make friends, and enjoy the game.
Quilling Art Club
Contact: Lizi Katamadze, lkatama24@students.lcc.lt
Quilling art, also known as paper filigree, is a creative craft that involves rolling, shaping, and gluing strips of paper into intricate designs. Quilling designs can be used to decorate greeting cards, pictures, boxes, eggs, and to make models, jewelry, etc.
Korean Club
Contact: Mariami Makaridze, mmakari24@students.lcc.lt
A club where students can get familiar with the Korean culture, traditions, and learn basics of the Korean Language.
Atelier: Creative Space&Workshops
Contact: Yuliya Meliashkevich, ymelias22@students.lcc.lt
Creative space Atelier is a room free from judgement and full of silent joy and mutual support. In this space we have many mediums for doing almost all kinds of creative things with an accent on visual art. There are canvas, paper, pens, pencils, markers, acrylic paint, watercolours, markers, sprays and other. We welcome everyone who wants to create, giving them enough space, tools and time to create whatever they want stress-free.
Basic Maths Club
Contact: Bohdana Zalevska, bzalevs24@students.lcc.lt
Students will learn the basics of math.
Yearbook Club
Contact: Elene Chikhladze, echikhl22@students.lcc.lt
A creative team that captures all the best moments of the school year for the yearbook.
Folk Dance Club
Contact: Mane Simonyan, msimony24@students,lcc,lt
The Folk Dance Club is dedicated to celebrating cultural diversity through traditional dance. In each session, we will randomly select one member who will be responsible for preparing a folk dance for the next class. This dance can be from their own culture or any other culture they wish to explore. During their session, the selected member will introduce the dance, providing a brief background on its history, significance, and cultural context before teaching it to the group. However, if the group member feels uncomfortable teaching a dance, he/she can choose the dance, tell me the name of the dance and I’ll teach it myself. Through this interactive approach, the club aims to foster cultural appreciation, unity, and an engaging learning experience for all members.
Chornobyl Educational Club
Contact: Bohdana Zalevska, bzalevs24@students.lcc.lt
A club that specializes in nuclear physics and energetics, especially on nuclear disasters.
Service Club
Contact: Dijedon Biljali, dbiljal21@students.lcc.lt
Throughout the academic year, Service Club members will reflect on volunteer experience, plan volunteering projects, network with external partners in Klaipeda, and learn how to professionally portray their experience in their CVs.
Debate Club
Contact: Daryna Ustenko, dustenk24@students.lcc.lt
A club which will improve students’ public speaking and critical thinking skills, give them knowledge in different argument styles, and how to implement it in their studies and daily life.
The Interactive Club
Contact: Saba Kervalishvili, skerval22@students.lcc.lt
Helps make university life more entertaining by organizing fun and educational events and activities.
Dance Club
Contact: Anhelina Allakhverdova, aallakh23@students.lcc.lt
The club is focused on hip hop, sometimes with exceptions, bringing other styles related to specific events or members interests.
Cooking Club
Contact: Abdul Hakim Hossainy, ahossai23@students.lcc.lt
In this club you will learn about the basics of cooking traditional foods from different places of the world.
So, you want to plan an event. You’ve got an idea, maybe you’ve begun planning the event, and now you’re wondering – what do I have to do to get it approved?
- Visit the LCC Events Calendar at least 2½ -weeks before you want your event to happen. Check to make sure the date & time you want is available. If you are planning an event for the larger student body, make sure there are no other large events the same week. Also, be aware of when your event will happen in the semester. If it’s the week before exams or a break, it’s probably not the best time unless it’s related to exam preparation. If the date & time you’d like is available, connect with your club organizer, StuCo representative, or an Academic/ Student Life department (all events must go through one of these 3 channels).
- Fill out the Public Event Approval Form. This form will ask you some of the essential details we need in order to approve your event and will also be used for promotion. Please fill it out to the best of your ability. Before submitting the form with the staff or faculty’s name, make sure they are aware and agree to be your advisor for the event. Once you submit the form it will go to the Student Life Team for approval. You will be notified about approval or not within 2 working days (Monday-Friday) of your submission. Questions: email studentlife@lcc.lt.
- If you receive approval, your event will officially be added to the Events calendar. At this point there are four important advertising-related things to do:
- Reserve a room through the DeFehr Front Desk (or ask your advisor to reserve a room) b. Create a poster (for Defehr Lobby – A3 vertical, for StuCo Clubs Board – A4 vertical, and for Residence Hall Lobbies (please give to reception) – A4 vertical)
- Print your poster either on your own or go to StuCo/your advisor if you do not have printing approval. Please print in color.
- Email studentlife@lcc.lt to include your event in the weekly ‘[e]vents’ newsletter. Include a picture/banner, contact details, relevant sign-up links/forms, and a short paragraph description. Please turn it in by Friday at noon for the following Monday newsletter.
- Reserve A/V Tech from IT with a request from your staff/faculty advisor. This includes a projector, laptop, clicker, HDMI, VGA, etc.
- Finally, fill out the ‘Sound Technician – Events Request Form’ at least 2-weeks before. This form only pertains to sound needs (mics, speakers, audio cords, XLR’s, etc.). Questions? Email asstsound@lcc.lt.
- After the event: Make sure you evaluate how your event went. If it was a Student Life or StuCo event, fill out this evaluation form (NOTE: you’ll need to count attendance numbers during the event) Post pictures on social media on the LCC Student Life Facebook page
About Student Council

As a student at LCC, you automatically become a member of the student body and have the right to elect your representatives. The StuCo is the officially recognized student organization of LCC that represents the students to the internal and external community and acts as the instrument through which students are able to provide input into the internal policies in order to foster unity between LCC community members, promote student concerns, and to advance the general welfare of the University.
The objectives of the Student Council are:
- maintain close relationships with LCC administration, instructors, students, other educational institutions, local, national, and international organizations;
- encourage collaboration with other higher education institutions’ students and student organizations;
- represent students of LCC, and protect their rights along with legal interests, express students’ academic and societal interests to the university’s administration and other national institutions
- discover the talents and abilities of the students, help utilize them and encourage them to contribute to the greater community through the submission of ideas
- encourage the formation and activities of student clubs, and coordinating work between them and supporting their activities
The Student Council will take place once a week. The meeting schedule is posted on the web and on the door of the Student leader lounge. Any member of the student body may request to sit in on the meeting. StuCo President shall maintain and make available to LCC students documents containing the following:
- This Constitution
- Minutes of all the meetings of the Council
- Event pre- and post-programming records
- Budget expense tracking
Student Council is also here to help with all of your ISIC needs. Need advice on how to submit your application or need a photo taken for your ID? Student Council can help!
Email stuco@lcc.lt of you have any questions or suggestions.
Resources – Created by You for You!
Have a question?
Contact: stuco@lcc.lt