The following alphabetical list of student life information and policies is designed to be a quick reference. This is not a complete statement of policies or information. For more information, contact the individuals listed below.
Quick Reference
Alcohol-free or “dry” campus. More info: Student Life Vice President and Director of Housing and Residence Life. Students are to refrain from the use or possession of alcohol (including beer & cider) in or on the grounds of any LCC facility, including student residences. Students may not possess alcoholic beverages or empty containers on campus, including the student residences. Drunkenness (examples include but are not limited to slurred speech, vomiting, stumbling or needing assistance to walk, loss of motor coordination, aggression, brief loss of memory, or abusive behavior) is not permitted in or around university facilities. Student Life staff members may administer breathalyzer tests when drunkenness is suspected. Refusal to be tested is equivalent to a violation of the policy. Please note: the legal drinking age in Lithuania is 20.
Advocacy. The Student Council will listen to and address student concerns and questions. Student Council can also work with students and represent them if there is a legitimate grievance as to the procedure or consequence of a Student Life action
Advertising on campus. More info: DF Front Desk Manager, Residence Hall Front Desk Manager. Posters, flyers, and other event marketing materials need to be posted on bulletin boards ONLY. No postings are allowed to be placed on the windows, doors, or walls of any LCC building. All advertisements should have information about who organizes the event. Event organizers are responsible for removing posters, flyers, and other marketing materials within 24 hours after the event. Posters may not contain material that would be in violation of any LCC policy or contain material that is obscene, pornographic, vulgar, racist, sexist, etc. Advertisements can also be posted through [e]vents. Other promotions such as banners, signs, stickers, etc. may also be permitted; however, the appropriateness of such items should be discussed with your immediate supervisor or the Front Desk managers.
Campus Security & Safety. More info: DF Front Desk Managers. Your safety is important to us but we are all responsible for campus security and safety. Report safety issues or suspicious activities immediately to the nearest Front Desk.
[e]vents Newsletter. More info: DF Front Desk Manager. This is a summary of event announcements for the upcoming week, job opportunities, activities, lost & found items, and information that comes to your official LCC e-mail.
Public Events on campus. Only officially registered clubs or LCC departments may organize public events. To get the event approved, first check the Events Calendar, If you don’t see a scheduling conflict, fill out the Event Request form. You will be notified within one week of approval; if approved, Student Life will add your event to the Calendar. If approved, reserve your event space in Outlook Calendar.
Flag Usage. More info: Intercultural Education Coordinator. LCC owns a national flag for each nation represented on campus. Flags can be checked out for event use but must be returned within 2 hours following an event. If not returned, or returned damaged, it is the responsibility of the person or department that used the flag(s) to replace it.
Illegal Drugs. More info: Student Life Vice President and Director of Housing and Residence Life, Students are to refrain from the use and possession of illegal drugs (including marijuana) or non-prescribed narcotics. Possession, distribution, or sale of drugs will not be tolerated. Student Life staff members may administer urinalysis tests when drug use is suspected. Refusal to be tested is equivalent to a violation of the policy. These cases will also be reported to the police.
Health insurance. More info: DF Front Desk Manager, Residence Hall Front Desk Manager. All LCC students must have health insurance. Lithuanian, EU students, and non-EU students employed in Lithuania are insured by state insurance, other non-EU students are required to purchase emergency insurance for a visa and TRP eligibility. All students are advised to print their insurance documents and keep them on them from the beginning of the academic year. A copy is also available on More information on medical assistance and use of insurance.
Movies on Campus. More info: Director of Student Engagement & Formation. Movies may be shown on the LCC campus publicly for educational, noncommercial purposes given that the movie was obtained legally (purchased, rented, or borrowed from the Library). Educational purposes are defined as occurring within a predetermined syllabus, non-formal programming (Student Life programs), and for the educational benefit of students. To show a movie publicly for purposes other than education, the Event Request form needs to be submitted.
Parental/Guardian Notification. Parents and legal guardians of students under the age of 18 may be notified of conduct violations cases in the cases of alcohol possession and use, smoking, and possession of tobacco products. Parents and legal guardians of students over the age of 18 may be notified in the cases of conduct violations when there is potential or real harm to him/herself (suicidal ideation and attempt, hospitalization, serious substance abuse cases, severe symptoms of eating disorders or conduct violations) or other situations when there is a potential or real harm to others (possession and/or provision of a controlled substance, possession of weapons, sexual assault, homicide threat or attempt).
Registering a Student Club. More info: Student Council. All student clubs and organizations must be registered through the Student Council in order to function on campus and receive benefits such as permission to advertise, funding, support, and access to Student Leader Lounge space.
Respect for University Property. More info: Director of Housing and Residence Life, Facilities Manager. No objects such as balls and frisbees may be thrown inside university facilities with the exception of the Michealsen Centras gym. All beverages (coffee, tea, water, etc.) must be covered if consumed inside the university with the exception of the Cafeteria. Food and drinks may not be served in carpeted rooms. Charges will be applied to those who damage the property.
Room Reservations. More info: DF Front Desk Manager, Residence Hall Front Desk Manager, Facilities Manager. Staff and Faculty can reserve rooms through the Calendar in Outlook. Students can reserve rooms at the reception. The priority for reserving rooms always goes to academic and student life events, then to official meetings, student activities, and finally personal use. You are responsible for re-setting the room after your event. There is a rental fee for staff and faculty who use rooms for personal needs.
Self-report and Amnesty. LCC students may self-report to the Student Life Vice President that they have been involved in a situation where they have violated or may have violated the LCC’s Community standards provided that the specific incident has not come to the university’s attention via normal reporting procedure. When receiving a student’s self-report, Student Life will work with the student to understand the situation, and to assist the student in addressing the situation so that they will be in compliance with the LCC’s Community Standards. The University provides amnesty to individuals who come forward. Approved self-reports will not receive sanctions but may be assigned appropriate interventions, restitution acts, referrals, and/or education. These reports do not become part of a student’s discipline record. However, if there are continued violations of community standards after self-reporting, amnesty will not be granted. The University encourages students who are struggling with substance abuse or psychological issues to seek help. If any student freely brings their own substance use, addiction, or dependency to the attention of University officials, educational options will be explored but will not result in a conduct proceeding or record.
Smoking. More info: Student Life Vice President. All university facilities are smoke-free environments. Smoking is permitted in designated smoking areas only: behind the DeFehr Center and in the smoking hut between Enns and Neumann Halls. Smoking outside of designated smoking areas will incur disciplinary action. This policy applies to vapes and e-cigarettes as well.
Technology Use. More info: Director of Housing and Residence Life, IT Project manager. LCC’s networks are for academic purposes. IT and/or Student Life may discontinue network access for users who violate standards (i.e. peer to peer, FTP, illegal or copied written files, sexually explicit materials). It is the responsibility of the banned user to contact Student Life or IT regarding renewing access. Private Wi-Fi routers are forbidden in LCC buildings.
TRP | Temporary Residence Permit. More info: Migration Affairs Coordinator. All international students are required by law to have a valid TRP in order to attend classes (for a certain period, a TRP could be substituted with the Lithuanian National Visa which gives its visa holder very similar rights and responsibilities as a TRP). It is the student’s responsibility to adhere to the TRP application deadlines communicated to students through their LCC email. TRP is given out only to enrolled students and is canceled for those on academic leave.
Threats, Assault, or Harassment. More info: Student Life Vice President Refrain from verbal or non-verbal threats of any kind. Under no condition may any member of LCC’s community feel violated. Any assault will be dealt with severely.
Weapons. More info: Student Life Vice President. Firearms and weapons including, but not limited to, any type of gun, hunting knives, switchblades, martial arts weapons, numb-chucks, brass knuckles, etc. are not permitted on LCC premises. Explosives including fireworks are also not allowed on any LCC property.
Our Conduct process
Community standards exist to make our living and learning community a safe place that promotes personal and relational growth. On occasions in which those standards are violated, there will be consequences assigned. Every opportunity is explored to contribute to the student’s personal growth and success while seeking to maintain a healthy and safe living and learning environment. The goal of the discipline process and disciplinary sanctions are to help students develop character, personality, and ability. Records of ALL violations (including warnings) remain active for 12 months from the month when the violation was made.

Standard of Evidence. LCC disciplinary process requires a preponderance of evidence for finding an individual responsible for a violation. Unlike the criminal system, which requires evidence “beyond a reasonable doubt”, the University’s disciplinary decision is based on the “greater weight of the evidence.” A preponderance of evidence standard requires that the information show it is “more likely than not” that a violation has occurred.
Student Expectations
General Expectations | ||
General Behavior | You are expected to be a responsible member of the LCC community by attending required meetings, reading emailed and posted information, demonstrating respect for authority, participating in and completing assigned disciplinary meetings and sanctions, and abiding by community regulations. You are always expected to follow the laws of Lithuania. Student Life staff members are permitted to enter any student room at any time if they believe a community living standard is being broken or have other valid concerns. Student Life staff members are also permitted to search for and/or confiscate materials not permitted by university housing regulations as well as perform urinalysis if drug use is suspected. (SL2.01) | |
Destructive Behavior | Breaking items purposefully or by negligence is prohibited. Destructive behavior is included but not limited to causing damage or breaking LCC facilities such as making holes in walls, breaking windows, peeling paint, modifying furniture, tampering with equipment, vandalism, graffiti. (SL.2.01; SL3.03). | |
Theft | Do not use, possess, or remove from an authorized area property that does not belong to you without the consent of the owner of the property or other person responsible for the property. (SL.2.01) | |
General Safety | Except in cases of extreme emergency, all entrances and exits from buildings must be from main doors. Roof access is only to facilities and residence life staff for work related purposes. Do not sit in open windows or hang out of windows. Do not enter or exit building from windows. Do not enter or exit through emergency exits except during emergencies. Students accessing or attempting to access closets, and rooms that are not open to students is forbidden. (SL.2.01) | |
Public Displays of Affection | Inappropriate public displays of affection are also forbidden. While consensual hand holding, brief hugs, and brief kisses in greeting or departure are tolerable, inappropriate intimate touching of areas covered by a bathing suit, prolonged hugging, cuddling, kissing in public is not acceptable. (SL2.01). | |
Computers, electronic devices, Internet | Each personal computer (both PC and Mac) connected to wired or wireless LCC network must have up-to-date antivirus software. Smartphones and tablets are the only exceptions to this rule. The IT department reserves the right to deny without a prior warning network access to any unprotected/infected device. Adding personal network communication devices (e.g. wireless router) to a university network is allowed only with the permission of a system administrator. Any misuse of the LCC computer network (illegal downloading/streaming of copyrighted material, hacking, initialization of DDoS attacks, etc.) is prohibited. Each case of abuse will be investigated and prosecuted. Although the LCC network is protected by a firewall and constant monitoring, be vigilant in daily online communication. Do not accept/download unsolicited files (especially with .exe extension) sent via e-mail/instant messenger or follow suspicious links. When in doubt, check with the IT department. (SL2.06) | |
Substance Use | ||
Alcohol | Possession, use of alcohol or possession of empty alcohol containers is strictly forbidden on campus. Drunkenness (examples include but are not limited to: slurred speech, vomiting, stumbling or needing assistance to walk, loss of motor coordination, aggression, brief loss of memory or abusive behavior) is not permitted in or around university facilities. Drunkenness or possessing alcohol may result in loss of privileges and being assigned active restoration or even dismissal from LCC International University Housing. Please note: The legal drinking age in Lithuania is 20, but all alcohol possession, use, and presence is prohibited regardless of your age. (SL.2.08). | |
Tobacco | Tobacco use is prohibited on LCC campus with the exception of specially designated places (smoking huts behind Defehr, and between residence halls)Tobacco use is defined as personal use of tobacco products that include smoking as well as the use of electronic cigarettes, vapes, and the use of smokeless tobacco, including chewing tobacco (SL.2.07). | |
Drugs and other controlled substances | Drugs are illegal and drug use will not be tolerated. Misuse of prescription drugs is also dangerous and prohibited. Random and suspicion-based drug-testing can be carried out by ResLife staff. (SL2.02). | |
Violence, Harassment, Abuse | ||
Harassment | Harassment (verbal, written, graphic, and/or physical) that is threatening in nature or any form of harassment including sexual harassment is prohibited. (SL2.09) | |
Violence | Physical assault and fighting with other individuals is prohibited. (SL.2.01) | |
Hazing | Hazing is not permitted at LCC. No individual, recognized student organization, club, team, or any other LCC-affiliated student group is permitted to plan, engage in, or condone hazing, on or off the LCC campus. Hazing includes any activity done in connection with a student organization, regardless of whether or not the organization is recognized by LCC. An act that causes or is reasonably likely to cause another student to suffer bodily danger, physical harm, or significant personal degradation or humiliation, even if no bodily danger, physical harm, or significant degradation or humiliation in fact results. Hazing often occurs at the time of initiating membership into a group or organization, but is not limited to that time frame. (SL.2.01) | |
Retaliation | Any negative action against another student that takes the form of punishment or creates a hostile, threatening or uncomfortable environment as a result of their reporting, or perceived action against another student is prohibited and subject to disciplinary action. (SL2.09). | |
Weapons and Explosives | Possession of weapons and explosives illegal in Lithuania including but not limited to the Law on the control of Use of weapons and Ammunition (2002-01-15, Nr. IX-705) will result in a police report as well as disciplinary action. List of prohibited items include: Any type of gun; Hunting knives, switchblades; Martial arts weapons; Brass knuckles; Electric shock devices; Explosives including fireworks; Ammunition for fire arms; Pocket knife or knives greater than 8cm in length that are used for destructive purposes; Counterfeit, replica, or blank-firing firearms or realistic-looking toy firearms, knives, swords; “A” category weapons and ammunition weapons used in military; Self-made firearms; Fast fired weapons, with toxic substances, firearms ammunition with toxic substances; Silent rounds; Hard metal bullets, or in solid metal casing; Laser sights, except for sports use laser sights; Blackjacks, stars and other strike and throw type weapons. (SL.2.05) | |
Other Sexual Misconduct (non-harassment) | ||
Pornography/erotica | Pornography and erotica of all kinds, including both electronic and paper copies, are not allowed. Posters with nudity may not be displayed. (SL.2.01). | |
Sexually Intimate Behavior | You may only have overnight visitors on campus of the same gender, and only if not romantically involved. You may not sleep or spend the night in the on campus room of someone of the opposite sex. Couples in a romantic relationship may not share a room on campus. Acts of sexual intimacy are prohibited anywhere on campus (SL2.01). | |
Housing | ||
Pets | Besides fish, all other pets, including visiting pets, are not permitted within on-campus housing. (SL.3.03) | |
Quiet Hours | University housing is a place where people not only have fun, but also study and rest. Therefore, there are designated quiet hours from 22:00 to 08:00 Sunday through Thursday and 23:00 to 08:00 on Friday and Saturday. During quiet hours, noise should not be heard outside from outside the room you are in. In common areas such as kitchens, noise should not be heard in private rooms. Residents will also follow local laws regarding noise outside of the buildings. Klaipeda quiet hours begins at 22:00. Noise levels must be kept low, including in the smoking hut outside these times. Outside of these quiet hours, you be considerate of your neighbors living closely around you. Music should not be played at a volume that interferes with the lives of others in the facility or neighbors outside (at any time of the day or night) (SL2.01). | |
Visiting Hours | Day visitors to university housing are permitted from 08:00 until 22:00 from Sunday to Thursday and from 08:00 until 23:00 on Friday and Saturday. Out of respect for roommates, after visiting hours no guests are allowed in non-public residence hall rooms. (SL2.01) | |
LCC Facilities | Cleaning: you are responsible for cleaning your own rooms on a regular basis. Room inspections are performed on a monthly basis. Kitchen cleaning responsibilities will be assigned by the Resident Assistants on a rotation. Trash, including empty boxes left outside of living areas (in hallways, outside of doors, in stairwells, etc.) is prohibited. Fees are assessed for improper checkouts and improper cleaning at checkout. Damages: you will be charged for the damages based on the Room Condition Report. Repair costs will be assessed to all occupants of a room unless one student assumes full responsibility for damages. Cost for the major damages in common areas may be applied to the residents of that floor. You may not detach built-in furniture from the walls of your room or take furniture from public areas to your room. Repair costs may be subject to the discretion of the LCC maintenance department. (SL3.03) | |
Kitchen Duty | All residents are required to participate in kitchen duty. Resident Assistant schedules a room for kitchen duty for the number of days based on how many residents occupy a room. Each room decides how to divide kitchen duty responsibilities for the nights they are assigned (e.g. as a whole room, or one resident each night of assigned kitchen duty). Kitchen duty responsibilities are posted in every kitchen, and listed in the Living on Campus guide. (SL3.03 13.1) | |
Keys | You are responsible for your keys. You will be charged a key replacement fee established in the LCC price list. for the lock if you lose a key. Under no condition may you copy a key. Copying keys and using keys to open another residents’ room is strictly prohibited. Students are responsible for keeping their belongings safe. Lock your doors! Only Residence Life Staff Members should have access to Master key, and only use for residence life work functions. (SL3.05) | |
Fire and Electrical Hazards | For safety reasons, electrical appliance usage must be limited. No appliances with exposed heating elements such as hotplates, grills, fryers, griddles, microwaves and space/portable heaters, toasters are allowed to be used in residence hall rooms,. Any use of an electrical appliance requires that the owner monitors the placement of the electric cords (i.e., do not let the cords lie on or next to heating units). All electrical appliances must be attended to when in use. Candles, fireworks, incense are not permitted in university housing because they are also a potential fire hazard. (SL.4.02) Tampering with fire equipment, covering smoke detectors, alarms, creating false fire alarms is a safety hazard and strictly prohibited (SL.2.01) | |
Fire Safety | Regular fire drills are administered. Failure to participate in the fire drill when present is a violation. Evacuation plans are placed on walls in the residence hall hallways. When you hear the fire alarm, vacate the building immediately and proceed to the Michealsen centras. (SL3.03) | |
Campus Housing During Breaks | Housing is available for students who are unable to go home during school breaks (fall, winter, spring and summer). Housing during fall and spring break is included in the cost of your room fees each semester and is in your own room. Winter and summer break housing is at an additional cost and all students staying on campus for winter and summer break will be expected to consolidate into rooms as assigned by the Housing Coordinator. (SL3.03). | |
Winter Break Room Usage | You may be asked to move out of your room during Winter Break. Your room will be used to house conference participants (Saltshaker Youth Conference, etc) and/or students staying on campus during the break. Students are also provided with an opportunity to place items in storage prior to departure from campus. Access to storage is limited during winter and summer break due to the sheer amount of belongings. (SL3.03). |