The Erasmus+ Program is a European funding program established to offer university students the possibility of studying abroad in another European country for a period of at least 3 months and a maximum of 12 months per cycle of studies. Erasmus+ now offers the possibility to go way beyond the European borders as well. Your exchange period must be relevant to your degree-related learning and be part of the study program that you are following. Graduate on time as studying abroad will count towards your degree!
Eligibility & Criteria for the academic year 2025–2026
- Previous academic records (CUM GPA of 7.50 and above)
- Must be 3rd year full-time student during the exchange semester*;
- Motivation to study in a foreign country;
- Co-Curricular involvement;
- Student’s goals fit the host institution’s study program;
- No financial debts to LCC
NOTE: Students cannot apply to study or train in their country of origin.
* On occasion, the participation of sophomores in their fourth semester may be supported.
Written approval from the Department Chair is required.
Erasmus+ Application process
The application is available for the Fall 2025 and Spring 2026 semesters from December 13-January 19. The deadline to submit your application is January 19, 2025.
E-news is sent with application information and dates to all students in December.
- You will be entitled to pay tuition at LCC, but as an Erasmus+ student, you will be exempted from fees for tuition, registration, and examinations at the receiving institution. Small fees for orientation or student union membership may still apply.
- You will pay housing and living expenses in the receiving country.
- Visa & insurance
- Travel
Erasmus+ grants for the academic year 2025–2026
You may receive an Erasmus+ grant as a contribution to your travel and subsistence costs. Monthly Erasmus+ grant amounts per country group:
- Ireland, Denmark, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Finland, Sweden – €674/month
- Austria, Belgium, Greece, Italy, Spain, Malta, Cyprus, Netherlands, France, Portugal, Germany – €674/month
- Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Poland, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkiye, Hungary – €606/month
Students can also participate in the Erasmus+ program as “zero grant” participants, which means that they are not provided with funding, but are given the status of an Erasmus+ student (as well as all related privileges and responsibilities).
Participants with fewer opportunities
Erasmus+ aims to be inclusive and accessible and provides additional funding to support those with disabilities and special educational needs. Full-time LCC International University students can apply to receive additional mobility grants under the following definitions after they have been selected for a mobility period (documents confirming the status must be submitted):
- Disabilities – include physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments which, in interaction with various barriers, may hinder someone’s full and effective participation in society on the same footing as others.
- Health problems – barriers may result from health issues including severe illnesses, chronic diseases, or any other physical or mental health-related situation that prevents from participating in the programs.
- Social barriers – an orphan or having lived or currently living in institutional care; children of single parent.
- Economic barriers – students from low-income families (who are under 25 years old and who have been granted 80% or more of the financial aid from LCC International University for the upcoming academic year); learners who need to work to support themselves (have worked for at least 6 months in the last 12 months); dependence on the social welfare system; students who are parents themselves.
- Cultural barriers – an immigrant or refugee background.
Additional flat-rate individual grant for students with fewer opportunities participating in Erasmus + mobility is:
- in case of long-term mobility – 250.00 EUR per month;
- in case of short-term mobility – 100.00 EUR (when the duration of mobility is 5–14 days); 150.00 Eur (when the duration of mobility is 15-30 days)
Approval of additional grants depends on available funding for that year.
Sustainable traveling
Students who travel to their destination using a sustainable mode of transportation (with low CO2 emissions) may receive a one-time payment of 50 EUR and a maximum of 4 extra grant days to compensate for the extra travel time. Examples of sustainable transportation methods are: cycling, carpooling, the bus, or the train; for the majority of both the outward journey and the return trip. Top-Ups are only available for study exchanges or traineeships within Europe.
To receive the Top-Up student must :
- (In case this applies) save all tickets/proof of travel and submit them to the CIE office (digitally);
- After the return, fill out and sign a declaration of honor form in which a student describes how and when he/she traveled.
Erasmus+ grant slots for the academic year 2025-2026
NOTE: Students can also participate in the Erasmus+ program without a grant.
Procedures for the selected students
Selected students
Need to be full-time students at a hosting institution taking 24, 27, 30, 33 or 36 ECTS credits per semester. It is highly recommended to take 30ECTS. All earned pre-approved credits are recognized as part of studies at LCC International University.
- Submit the application form and additional documents to the receiving institution before their due date. The student is responsible for meeting the requirements and deadlines.
- Submit online eligibility form to confirm pre-selected classes (classes are reviewed by Department Chair and Registrar)
- Submit a letter of acceptance issued by receiving institution to erasmus@lcc.lt. The letter must state exact semester start and end dates.
- Complete and sign the online Erasmus+ learning agreement.
- Complete the online language assessment test.
During the semester
Changing classes
Class change requests are accepted until the end of the first week of classes at the host university. This is considered the ADD/DROP week. If you decide to make any class changes, please immediately complete the following online form in order to get academic approval.
After the first day of classes at a host institution, students must officially withdraw from any course that they do not wish to continue. The schedule below shows the financial consequences of withdrawing. The tuition refund is based on the day the withdrawal process is complete, not the day the student ceases to attend the course. Students who drop classes at a host institution from the beginning of the semester will be refunded as per the following schedule:
- Semester days 1-7: 100% refund, no academic penalty
- Semester days 8-21: 50% refund, no academic penalty
- Semester days 22-35: 25% refund, no academic penalty
- Semester day 36 and later: 0% refund (withdrawn-fail)
After the semester
When you finish your studies abroad and come back to LCC, please provide the Center for International Education with the following:
- The original Certificate of Enrollment, signed by the Erasmus+ coordinator of the host receiving institution states the start and end dates of the semester. Additionally, email a scanned copy to erasmus@lcc.lt
- Submit the final EU Survey (a survey link will be sent to your email address just after the end of your studies period)
- Submit original Transcript of Records;
Note: LCC International University will recognize all classes taken at a host institution on a PASS/FAIL basis.